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Team Member Hire
All-in-One Hiring System for $499/mo $299/mo, then $39/mo
Get started today for $299 the first month and then $39 a month after the first month. You won't want to miss out on new templates, new best practices and assessments with Job Benchmarking for the Insurance Industry. No Contract. Cancel Anytime.
Step-by-Step System
Over 175 videos that walk you through the entire hiring process.
Insider Secrets
Get the recruiter's playbook to learn the secret tactics used by professionals to get more qualified and interested applicants.
Templates, Forms, and Examples
Job Ads, Job Descriptions, Interview Questions, and dozens more.
Interview Process
A proven interview process, including the questions you should be asking.
Discounted Assessments
As a member, you'll have access to discounted assessments with a Job Performance Benchmark to compare to the best in the insurance industry.
Secure Order
256BIT – Encryption
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